
Monday, December 30, 2019

Activity 1: The World Wide Web

Good morning everyone, welcome back to my blog. Today I have done another wonderful S.L.J activity it is called the world wide web. So what we had to do was take screenshots of 3 websites that are helpful for our learning. Then Put your screenshots in a poster or presentation. I picked presentation. So here is my presentation. Hope you enjoy and use some of the websites I think are helpful for my learning.


Sunday, December 29, 2019

Activity 1: Everyday Heroes

Good afternoon guys, welcome back to my blog today I have done another S.L.J activity this one is called everyday heroes. So what we had to do was make a short video about helping the people who are affected by the fires. so we had to write 5 ways that we could help them like think of ways to raise money, things to send them, or ways to keep them feeling positive. I did all here is mine.


And p.s tell them that there doing something very special and important for the people and that you are saving there life.

Thursday, December 26, 2019

Activity 3: Wise Words

Good afternoon guys,welcome back to my blog today I have done another S.L.J activity this one was called wise words. so what we had to do was think of someone in your life who is a role model to you. It could be a parent,grandparent, neighbour, minister, imam, rabbi etc. And then ask them to share one piece of wisdom (advice) with me.

I picked my dad because he is a role model to me.  My dad said to "never give up" and "keep trying" because thats a really good thing to have.  I play 3 sports Rugby for prebleton,Softball and dancing for R.P.D.S and those are some sports that you can say never give up on because if you dont hit the ball on strike 1,2 or 3 dont get frustrated or then you cant concentrate So Keep trying and trying until you get there.


Activity 2: Celebrating Diversity

Good afternoon guys, welcome back to my blog today I have done another S.L.J activity this one is called Celebrating Diversity.
Diversity means being diverse. So what we had to do was click on all the links that were below and tell yous the names of the two groups that interest us and then tell yous at least two facts about each group. 

The two groups that I picked were Inuit people and papuan people
because they were interesting. Now here are the two facts about both groups.

Inuit people
1.There are four Inuit regions in canada, collectively known as Inuit Nunangat. The term ''Inuit Nunangat'' is a canadian Inuit term that includes land, water, and ice.

2. The social and cultural challenges that exist today can similarly be undone in large part through policies that support and empower Inuit institutions, families and communities.

Papuan people
1.The overwhelming majority of the population is Christian, although traditional beliefs remain very strong and reports of religious discrimination are rare.

2. The main languages papuan people speak are Melanesian, Tok pisin (pidgin) and Motu english there are over 800 languages.



Activity 1: Guiding Principles

Today I have finally finished another S.L.J activity called Guiding principles. So we had to create a poster about a whakatauki. A whakatauki is an insight into Māori thought. The word whakatauki can be split down into whaka (to cause) tau (to be settled) and ki (a saying) A whakatauki is a saying that can be settled over time. so here is my whakatauki.



Activity 3: Belle of the Ball

Today I have done another S.L.J activity this one was called Belle of the ball. So this one was about if Emma emailed youShe needs me to recommend a book that you like for her book club and write a review of it. So we have to share our book review with a photo or illustration drawing of the book. And Tell you's what the book is about and why you chose it.

I chose the book Matilda.

Matilda is a bright little girl who is very interested in learning. Her parents are very insensitive they sent her to a school run by the principal (Miss Trunchbull) miss trunchbull is very cruel and hates children. Matilda is a child wondrous and full of intellagience.

I chose the book Matilda because its really funny and very interesting its funny because in one of the parts lavender puts the newt in miss trunchbulls jug of water and then she gets a fright.

                      Hope you enjoyed, bye whats your favourite book? 


Activity 2: The Right to an Education

This morning I did another summer learning journey activity it is called the right to an education. so what we had to do was write a short story about anything that we wished for!! I wrote my story about being in a movie I wrote about being in a movie because I thought it would be really fun and challenging because you would have to do the actions really good and that. And I like a challenge.
So here is my short story.

 Once upon a time I was watching a movie called avengers. someone had asked me before one wish that I would like I said I dont know. But when I was watching avengers I thought of something I would wish for it was to be in a movie. Like in a challenging movie exsample spider man or starwars because you would have to act out all of the parts big and great and interesting. 
I also wanted to be in a movie like that because you can act out superpowers so yeah thats my story. BYE

Tuesday, December 24, 2019

Activity 1: The Right to Vote

Today I have done another S.L.J activity it is called the right to vote. So what we had to do was imagine that the government has decided to create a new $10 bank note. They want to replace Kate with a picture of a different NZ woman. And who you think should be put on the new $10 note. And also put a picture of this amazing woman and explain why you think she should be chosen.

                      I picked Valerie Adams.
I picked Valerie Adams because she is a New Zealand shot putter  She has a personal best throw of 21.24 metres outdoors and 20.54 m indoors. She is a four-time World champion, four-time World Indoor champion, two-time Olympic, three-time Commonwealth Games champion and twice IAAF Continental Cup winner.  


Image result for Valerie Adams

Image result for Valerie Adams


Activity 3: “I Have a Dream”

Welcome back to my blog today i'm doing another S.L.J activity this one is called I have a dream this one was interesting because the USA had laws that kept black and white people separated. This was called segregation. This was interesting because in my other S.L.J activity it said that to but was in south Africa and that was called Apartheid. Anyways what we had to do was tell yous about the problem of Rosa Parks faced on the bus that day. What did she do about this problem? and describe the problem Rosa Parks faced on the bus, and what she did about it. The problem was that She is most famous for refusing to give up her seat on a bus to a white passenger

Rosa parks stuck up to herself and said ''NO'' she was annoyed because people thought white people were better so they could do anything they want. So she sat in her seat and then got arrested I think that's unfair because people are allowed to be their self's and stand up to them.             bye        


Activity 2: School Strike for Climate

Today I have done another S.L.J activity it is called school strike for climate. School strike means teachers want more money than they normally get. School strike for climate means when the temperature of our planet increases. A warmer planet means that there can be more floods, storms, droughts and hurricanes, the sea can rise, and some plants and animals won’t survive. Anyways what we had to do was list three things that we learned. And post a photograph of something that you are doing around home to help the environment.

1. Climate change is one of the biggest problems facing the world.
2. Our planet is precious and cant be replaced.
3. No new coal, oil and gas projects, including the Adani mine.

I was picking up rubbish just encase you weren't sure what I was doing bye.

Activity 1: A Long Walk to Freedom

Today I have done another Summer learning journey activity it is called A long walk to Freedom. This one was about when this guy called Nelson Mandela lived in South Africa. For many years,South Africa had different rules for people that had white skin and those who didn't. This was called Apartheid. Nelson Mandela felt that this was very wrong. He tried to change the law but he was sent to Prison. After that he became President of South Africa and ended apartheid. Nelson Mandela spent 18 years in prison he was locked away in a tiny,damp concrete sell, with only a straw mat to sleep on it must of been very hard for him. So what we had to do was  write a diary entry pretending that you are Mr Mandela. And write at least four sentences to describe what he might be feeling or how would it be like in the prison. 

Image result for Mandela

Activity 3: ‘Dear Jacinda

Today I have done another S.L.J activity this one was called dear Jacinda. So what we had to do was write a letter to her and say why it is important and what do you want her to do about it. There were 4 options to pick from I picked swimming lessons should be free so here is what I have done.

Monday, December 23, 2019

Activity 2: Rights and Wrongs

Today I have done another S.L.J  activity it is called rights and wrongs what I had to do is I had to solve a math question, The question is work out how many years until you are 25.

So I am 9 so I have to...

25-9=16 so it will be 16 years until I am 25.

How many years until you are 25?

Activity 1: Playing Favourites

Today I am doing another S.L.J activity but its week 2 and today's activity is called playing favorites so what we had to do was write a list of 3 of our favorite things that we love doing and take a picture of us doing them. So here are my favorite things to do.

1. Hanging out with my family. Because I think family is really important and they are so caring,nice,kind and just amazing. And I love you my family.     

2. Hanging out with my Best friend´s Bailee and Mercedes. I like being crazy and funny with Mercedes also she is very nice and caring, Me and Bailee both like to play things together like playing sports, decorating stuff and running round together. She is also smart nice and very caring. 👩👩👩 

3. The third thing I like doing is swimming at the beach or the pools because you can dive down and do rolly pollys or just swim, swimming is so relaxing to me. I love swimming.🏖

Sunday, December 22, 2019

Activity 2: Swimming to Safety

Tonight I have finished another S.L.J activity it is called swimming to safety swimming is very important because it can save your live if your in deep water. anyways we had to retell the story of this brave young woman from Syria. Her name is Yusra Mardini she is a teenage girl and is a competitive swimmer. so here is the story I had to retell hope you enjoy.

So once upon a time there was this girl that loved to swim. Her name is Yusra Mardini she was born in syria, a country long gripped by war. When her house was destroyed by a bomb she knew it wasnt safe anymore, so she and her family fled away in a boat that had more than enough refugees. When the motor of the boat broke down her and her sister became super heroes,swimming and pulling the boat very hard to safety. In Germany Yusra found glory and was one of the first refugee teams ever to compete in the Olympics.           
                                                         result for yusra mardini          

Activity 3: Own Choice

Today I finally finished my last S.L.J activity for week 1 this one is called own choice this one is worth 6 points!! so what you had to do was pick a sports person out of 7 choices I decided to pick Kelly Slater because I like the water and surfing so that´s what I picked. And then tell you the name of that person,then a sentence about the work they do/have done and then a sentence about how they/their work has had an impact on the lives of others.

1. My person that I picked name is Kelly Slater.
2. Kelly Slater has a death grip of nearly every major record in the sport,including his 11 world Titles.
3. Kelly Slater has made people interested in surfing he has made people want to surf he takes major risk.
4. Kelly Slater is 47 years old.
5. kelly slaters height is 5 ft, 9 in 175 cm.
6. Kelly Slater weighs 160 lbs 73 kg.
7. Kelly slaters hometown is cocoa beach, Florida, USA.
8. Kelly Slater is the greatest surfer of all times.

Hope you learnt some facts about Kelly Slater.            Bye

Activity 1: National Treasure

This afternoon I did one of my S.L.J activity's this one is called  National Treasure so what you had to do was write 3 things that were important to you and why so these are the 3 things. oh wait think about what three things are important to you. so here are the 3 things hehehe.
Number 1: The most most most important thing to me is my family I love my family so much my family always supports me in everything I do and always tells us to never give up and I really appreciate that like a lot. To my family I will always love you no matter what.❤

Number 2: The second important thing to me is my friends and school teachers my friends and teachers are important to me because when im sad there always there for me when I need them.😊

number 3: The third important thing to me is my house if I didnt have a house I would be homeless and also I wouldn't sleep anywhere.🏠

Saturday, December 21, 2019

Activity 3: Worth her Weight in Gold

Welcome back to my blog today I have finished another S.L.J activity called worth her weight in gold this one was a bit interesting. We had to make a travel poster for a country of our choice on the poster we had to include lots of tips about what to see and do in the country.  I picked to do Australia because I haven´t been there before so I wanted to do something different.

Image result for theme park australia

Image result for theme park australiaImage result for theme park australia


Activity 2: What’s in a Name?

Welcome back to Micky´s blog today I have done another S.L.J activity it is called Whats in a name?what is in a name? so we had to imagine that we were allowed to change our name to anything we wanted. And tell you why we would want to change our name to..... so here is my work.

What would you change your name to?

Friday, December 20, 2019

Activity 1: Making a Racket

Welcome back to my blog today I have done another S.L.J activity it is called making a racket we have to tell you three things that I learned from watching this video, as well as one thing I would still like to know. So we watched 2 videos about Serena Williams and Venus Williams  playing tennis. 

To Emma the videos aren´t working so I cant do this SLJ activity sorry

Activity 3: Achieving our Dreams

Welcome back to my blog today I have done another S.L.J activity this activity was worth 6 points!!! and also this one is called Achieving our Dreams so what we have to do is think about our dream job and think Who do you think could help you to achieve this dream job? and what could they do to help you achieve it. And so we brainstormed it to make a poster.

I used venngage

Wednesday, December 18, 2019

Activity 2: Defying the Odds

This afternoon I did one of my S.L.J activity's this one was called Defying the odds so we have to write 3 questions you would like to ask a basketball player.    

I like basketball and my favourite sports are RUGBY-tackling SOFTBALL-TEEBALL DANCING and basketball



Activity 3: Miracle on the Hudson

Today I finished my S.L.J activity called miracle on the hudson so what I had to do was tell you when I did something was brave so here is what I did.              

 When we were at the pools I went on this ginormous floaty in a very very deep pool that even my dad could´nt touch the bottom unless he swam underneath and I had´nt of done it before but I thought I was going to fall of but lucky I didnt I was shivering in fright.                    
                            what is your brave moment? comment

Rugby Superstars

Today I have done a S.L.J activity it is called Rugby superstars so we had to do was write 3 superpowers and tell why we choose them and what are we going to do with them so here is mine.

  • Super speed because I could get to places faster. Or so If im late I could just go bam and I would be there. 
  • Flying because I could see everything and you wouldn't need to wait in traffic.
  • Super strength because if someone couldn't lift something I could for them. I could lift cars and lots of heavy stuff.
                           Hope you enjoyed tell me what 3 superpowers                                     you would like and why.

Tuesday, December 17, 2019

Activity 1: Flying Solo

Today I have done another S.L.J activity it was called flying solo. So what I had to do was fill out a compare and contrast diagram about Jean Batten and Amelia Earhart therefore you had to show what was different about them and similar about them here is mine.  Did you know I have never been on a plane before?                                                        

Activity 2: Discovering Aotearoa

Today I have done my second S.L.J activity it was about when we have to create something about our culture so I am going to tell you some stuff about my family culture. 
Image result for new zealand flag                                      
               My lovely family speaks English
                we come from New  Zealand                           our thing that is important and                         special to us is that  always                                                              incourage you to be the best person                                     you can be alaways try hard and never give up      image

Monday, December 16, 2019

Activity 3: Scaling New Heights

Today I have done my third S.L.J activity so we had to make a explanation about one of the following charity's I picked SPCA because I like animals.

The letters SPCA means Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals. SPCA helps protect about 45,300 animals in new                               zealand every year. Animals that are lost,abandoned,                         sick or injured. SPCA is the only charity that can                               protect them. Image result for spcaImage result for spca

Activity 1: Setting Sail

Today I have completed my first activity for the summer learning journey its called setting sail. so what you had to do is create a poster, slide or something and write 10 things that you would take out to sea  but the thing is you don´t have a fridge or freezer. So here is my poster.

Comment down in the comments some food you would have.

Friday, December 6, 2019

You should learn to swim

This week we have been doing more persuasive writing mine was about why you should learn to swim. we had to use the persuasive writing criteria here is my writing.


Tuesday, December 3, 2019

S.L.J teaser week activity 3

Today we have been practicing for a summer learning journey to win a prize for in the school holidays therefore you can keep up with your learning. so we had to make up 5 words and say what they meant so heres mine.  

Hope you enjoyed bye.