
Tuesday, December 15, 2020

End of year reflection 2020

 This year its been an okay year cause of covid-19 but that couldn't stop us from learning so the teachers and staff decided to use google hangouts we used google hangout everyday until we went back to school google hangouts is online school so every morning we would go on it and do learning like a normal school day it kinda sucked though because I missed my friends and teachers.

After that the bike tracked opened and we started going swimming wow that was fun. We also went on camp went to ferry meed had top team.

This year maths was very challenging for me. This year I got my story published in a book and we got this penguin we could paint but only some people that got chosen and I was one of them so I painted the school flag on it and it looked amazing

Now Im here writing this blog post on the last day of school for this year December the 15 so overalll its been an okay year.

Top Team!!

 Last Friday our whole school played top team it was so fun and wet.

There were a lot of wet activities i got soaked there was a giant egg and spoon race there were a lot of activities you would have to use your initiatives and use team work.

What I noticed about my team was we used a lot of team work and encouraged each other with positive words like you got this and things.

And Toi

Thursday, December 10, 2020

Camp reflection

 Hi for the past 2 days punui-o-toka have been at living springs for school camp it was the best 2 days of my life!

My favorite part of camp was making smores and spending time with teachers and friends. The most challenging of camp was the big walks up and down.

At the beginning of camp I was so excited and I couldn't wait and at the end I was very sad we had to go and I was exhausted. 

On Monday we bused to a farm park and fed the animals,milked the cow and went on the tractor ride. We also walked up the hill from the farm to get to camp, went swimming in this enormous pool we went on the monorail, zipline and did mini golf, Burma trail and played spotlight and had chicken curry naan bread and rice for dinner.

On Tuesday we did animal ecosystems, archery and rifles surprisingly I was really good at it we did initiative, orienteering, campfire and did a camp auction miss McLeod was very funny she would say going once going twice SOLD! and had burgers and chips for dinner that was scrumptious. 

The last day of camp (Sad face) we did a lot of cleaning did animal survival,tricky tag and bus home cranking up the music with Tylers dad

Friday, December 4, 2020


Yesterday Me and Bailee worked on a D.L.O about the importance of water I thought I did a good job we made slides. We had to read the story and then make a D.L.O of what we learnt. Here it is!

Monday, November 30, 2020

Digital citizenship

 For the past few weeks we have been learning about good behaviors and bad behaviors and offline and online boundaries. Today we made up some rules about these things. Our top five were Dont make up a rumor, Dont share information they told you not to share, respect privacy, Think about what your going to do lucky last stay away from unknown people online and offline. We do the right thing because its the right thing to do.

Here is my finished work!

Thursday, November 26, 2020

D.L.O Plastic pollution/the great garbage patch

 Hi today I made a D.L.O about Plastic pollution and the great garbage patch. It was fun to make and interesting cause I learnt some interesting facts here it is.

Wednesday, November 25, 2020


 Hello today I am blogging my work (MATH work) Yes yes I know guys maths work but its OK we got this. This math is slide turn flip math. It was very easy we got given a piece of A4 orange paper and some letters we started cutting them out and then we glued them down we could either do slide flip or turn. Here is how mine turned out.

Free writing

 Hi its me Mikayla Today I am blogging my free writing because I finished all my work I hope you enjoy my free writing.


Tuesday, November 24, 2020

Habitat Destruction

 Hi today I made a digital learning object we have been learning about endangered animals like deforestation and destruction this is why some animals are getting endangered. You should care about it because our world is getting ugly and ruined, animals are dying dont you realise how important our world is so you should care.

 Here it is!!


Thursday, November 19, 2020

Sea turtles D.L.O

 Yesterday and today I have been making a digital learning object about sea turtles because this week we have been learning about sea turtles. Here is my work 

Thursday, November 5, 2020


 Today in reading we made a D.L.O about tigers it was fun to learn new facts about tigers there were a lot of interesting facts here is mine.

Tuesday, November 3, 2020

Story web

 Today in reading we read a text called the day Mary shook the karaka tree. After that we made a story web. It was easy and I finished real fast. So now I am blogging it.


Friday, September 25, 2020

Calendar Art

 For the past couple of weeks I have been doing calendar art I picked Kandinsky circles. Kandinsky circles are made out of water paint. What was fun was making our own pattern of colours. What was hard was the paper blowing away and getting to much water on the paint brush and making the paper wet. 

First step- practice on a piece of paper

Next step- On our real piece of paper we started water painting the circles

Next step- Finishing the circles 

Next step- Drawing our silhouette

Final step- stick our silhouette on

And now blog and take a pic

So here is my final piece of art. Have you done this before? Comment!             

Monday, September 21, 2020

Plastic straws alternatives

In reading I have been in a group called plastic straws for the past two weeks we have been doing slides of plastic straws We made straw alternatives it was really fun and not hard at all. Here are the slides

Tuesday, September 15, 2020


 Today we did metaphors and it was easy as. What was fun was picking our sentences. What was hard was nothing actually. Do you know what a metaphor is?


Monday, September 14, 2020

Moment in time

Last week we finished a piece of writing which was a moment in time practising for our writing test. It was a man which we called abseiler climbing a wall of big black rocks It was fun because i had a lot of good words for it. What was challenging was doing feel. what was fun was just putting a whole bunch of words in my writing and making it in to a moment in time.

Im going to show you my writing. here it is. Bye hope you like it remember to comment!!


Tuesday, September 8, 2020


 Today in Mrs H class we did similes it was fun and easy

A simile is comparing something to another.

Friday, August 28, 2020


Hello, last week me and Kaycee made a video of us talking in Maori so we say in Maori¨Hello how are you? then the other person says how there feeling in Maori and they say to me hi how are you and so on and on her is the video. It was fun and really funny cause we kept messing up lol.

Cartoon me!!

 Hello guys, for the past few weeks we have been doing a cartoon me. Cartoon me is a fun and hard activity the fun thing was colouring it in with colour picker the hard thing was out lining our face. Have you done this before? what we had to do was take a picture of our selves out line it and use colour picker. Do you wish to do it?

Here is mine.


Here is the video if you wont to do it.

Thursday, August 27, 2020

To Persuasive (writing)

 Hello guys, over the past few days we have been doing some persuasive writing. I picked to do zoos should be banned and animals should live in the wild that is my argument. What was fun was researching facts and just making the argument. Something that was challenging was thinking of the three points. Have you ever done persuasive writing?


Monday, August 17, 2020

Vote for me!!

Today for reading we made some posters about why you should vote for me for student council ¨pretend¨ we read a short story of someone trying to get student council. So miss Mcleod thought we could do it. My topic was Fun Friday every week! here is my poster.



Monday, August 10, 2020

Victorian dolls To inform

For the past 2 weeks we have been working on Information reports I picked Victorian dolls A Information report is when you inform someone about a particular topic. We had to pick a toy from back in the day. So first we started of with doing our introduction then paragraph one (appearance) then paragraph 2 (who were they made for?) after paragraph 3 (Dolls now). And finally Our conclusion yay I finished!! So here have a look at mine.

We had to make sure we had:
Technical words
Rhetorical question
And facts about the topic

Saturday, July 18, 2020

Activity 2!!

Goodnight everyone before I went to bed I did activity 2 because it was nice and easy so what I had to do was this.  

So I did there nothing really much to talk about this one except from which clothes I love to wear.

1. My warm PJ´s
2. My beanie
3. My jacket or dressing down
4. last but not least socks and glothes 

Activity 6!! WLJ

Hey readers!!, Continuing with the winter learning journey Tonight i decided to do activity 6 because it looked like lots of fun what I had to do was draw a picture of my dream destination. First I went to grab a piece of paper and started to think ¨hmm where is my dream destination oooo oh I know Australia because it has wet´n´wild water park. okay I started researching things there are at wet n wild I knew for starters there were hydroslides pool and stuff so I drew hydroslides.

Once all that was finished I wrote on the sides some interesting stuff to make people go there like signs. 

Five things why I want to go to wet´n´wild in Austrailia.

1. In Austrailia it is really hot on the other hand it isnt as hot in christchurch.
2. It has my favourite water park there wet´n´wild as we dont have any water parks.
3. I can go to there zoo and hold snakes that is my dream thing to do.
4. I love there beaches so nice and warm aww amazing.
5. Last but not least I can go shopping and explore all the things we dont have here.!

Here is my picture.

Activity 17!!! WLJ

Kia ora readers, sorry I haven't been online I have been really busy but  anyways today for a task I choose to do activity seventeen. For the activvity I had to think about what I like doing in winter and draw a picture. It was really fun and easy.

So I went on to google drawing and thought about what I like doing in winter about 2 minutes later a idea poped into my head. ¨Oh movies and hot chocoolate¨ that sounds great I thought so I went into shapes and drew it. What do you think about my picture? What is your favourite thing to do in winter?

Here is my google drawing.


Wednesday, July 8, 2020

Activity four

Hey readers!!!, Hope you are all having fun in the holidays today I am continuing with the winter learning journey For this task I had to research what the coldest temperature in Christchurch was and write a story about it. I picked this activity because I felt really good and confident about it im good at writing and its fun so I did it. 

Activity Nine Of The Winter Learning Jjourney

Kia Ora Readers!!!, 
Once again another ¨winter learning journey¨ post. For this activity I had to list all of the winter sports in order of the alphabet. I choose to do this activity on bite-able because you can make it into a video like add music things like that you know. First I picked the backround then I added a tittle and the rest of the text. Before that I researched the winter sports starting from A then B and on and on.

Once I finished all of my writing I added music. It was really fun to play around with the music. Then I checked all my spelling and that was perfect. After that I downloaded the video and waited for it to load. ¨Wow it finished I said to myself¨ It was a bit challenging finding the sports it was easy adding the background and music.

If you want to check out biteable here is the link- 

Marketing Agency Ad (copy) on Biteable.


Tuesday, July 7, 2020

Activity 14 (Winter learning journey)

Hello readers,
I am continuing doing the ¨winter learning journey¨. Today I choose to do activity fourteen. I choose it because it is fast and looked easy. So what we have to do is comment on 3 blogs so here I did

But wait I made mine on canva to make it look good. I checked all my punctuation and screenshot all the comments. The easiest part was checking all my things make sense and punctuation. I didn't find anything challenging or hard. Have you used canva before.

Please comment on my blog.


Monday, July 6, 2020

Activity 3 (Winter learning journey)

                                         Hello Mikaylaś avacados welcome to my blog today for our winter learning journey I have decided to do activity number three what we have to do is do some reaserch about a warm place I could visit and find out were I could stay and 3 activites I can do there so im like ah easy I already know what place so here is mine. 

Activity 1 (Winter learning journey)

                                 Hi, Im Mikayla
And today for the winter learning journey we did this activity where we had to make a slide and name 10 things you can don in winter. It was really fun. One thing that was hard was thinking what I could do for the 8th one but I thought of one so that´s okay. Anyway here is the slide please have a look and comment. BYE

Friday, July 3, 2020

Writing from lockdown

Hello mikayla mandarins today I am showing you a piece of writing from boring lockdown but now where back at school yay!!! so this is my writing.

Thursday, July 2, 2020

Fun funny writing this term (D.L.O)

                              Hi, im Mikayla
And today I am telling you about all the writing we have been doing for our warm ups. So everytime we go to writing we go on our chromebooks and go to our slides. Some can be really funny and intersesting. But the point is about this is to get better at writing. Here are the slides.

Wednesday, July 1, 2020


                                                          Hi, Im Mikayla
                     Yesterday and today I made a comic about a quality blog comment it is fun making a comic because you get to dress people up and make your own avatar most of all make a comic. So I picked my Bestie called Bailee this is Bailees blog click on it if you want to see it. I did mine about having a conversation with Bailee teaching her how to make one son here it is.


Hope you like it.
Mikayla out :)

Tuesday, June 23, 2020

All about me

The chocolate boxes

Today me Zak and Sophie made a screen castify for maths about a worksheet we had done it was fun and we all got to join in. We worked all together and got the right answer. here is the screen castify of our brain teaser.

Monday, June 15, 2020


This term in punoi-o-tuka for art we have drawn the other side of our face it was kind of hard to get the right size and stuff like that. So the steps are
1. Take a photo of your self and print it out
2.Cut the photo of your face in half
3. Stick it on a white piece of paper
4. Draw the other side
5. Go round the class room writing positive words on a piece of paper on everybodys
6. Write the words you got on a chrome book then print the words out.
7.Cut out the words and stick them around your photo.
Last step blog it and that's what im doing now!!

So those are the steps if you want to do one anyways her is a photo of mine it didnt take to long to do.

Friday, June 12, 2020

Pick -a -path

For the past couple of weeks we have been working on a pick a path story we  made up mines about a dragon getting lost in the Hogwarts lava castle. Don't worry all the pictures are public domain they haven't been copyright. Here is my pick a path story all you need to do is read then click on an option:).

Tuesday, June 2, 2020

My life balance

Hello peopleeeeeeeeeeeeeeee, Today in health we learnt about how to keep a healthy balance, things we have to do is get lots of exercise,have enough food, not spend lots of time alone and things like that. Do you have a healthy balance? then we did this sheet on our Chromebooks where we answered some questions and also a sheet where we had to score 100 well I scored 100. Here is a picture of my balance.

Friday, May 29, 2020


Hello guys today at assembly we got some prizes it was really fun because it was cool to see the teachers certificates they made I got a red wrist band because I liked the colour red and it says AKO that means Learning I picked this because that's how I earned it by getting over 50 thank you tickets because I was learning great and I earned heaps also over lock down we earn tickets for showing up to our hangouts everyday at the right time. You can earn 3 wrist bands The colours are red,blue or white they all say something different. My goal is to get all of them. Here are some pictures.
