
Monday, January 13, 2020

Activity 3: Own Choice

Morena wonderful blogers and readers, Today for this blog post I had to to choose our own scientist, technologist or inventor who we think has changed the world. It could be someone you know. What I found hard was writing a sentence about how they/their work has had an impact on the lives of others. What I found easy was 
The name of the person and a sentence about the work they do or have done.

 My person that I picked name is Mae jemison.

Mae is an American engineer, physician, and former NASA astronaut. She became the first African-American woman to enter space when she served on the crew of the Space Shuttle Endeavor in September 1992. 

Mae has encouraged people to try out and be an astronaut. She is also trying to say that you can do it like you can do any job you want if you try never give up.

Mae is now 63 and working for a technology research company.


Sunday, January 12, 2020

Activity 1: Ministry of Inspiration

Hi wonderful readers,today for my S.L.J post I have watched this video about the Pasifika Aquabots competition.  The students had to navigate their Aquabots around a swimming pool, collecting things and visiting different ‘islands.’ so we have to tell you readers whether we would like to join an Underwater Robotics team at our school. Why and why not?

I thought about it for a while and I thought sure why not. I said yes because I think it would be very interesting and fun to do.

I also would wanbt to do it because I thought it would be quite a challenge and I like to challenge myself some times.

So yeah bye.

Saturday, January 4, 2020

Activity 3: Putting Our Heads Together

Today for my S.L.J activity we had to make a poster or something about “feelings words”. And then post it on our blogs so here are some examples of feelings first.

Upset- sad, lonely, blue and rotten 
Glad- relax, safe, cheerful and playful
Mad-  bugged,annoyed, cranky, grumpy

And so there were some examples so here is my word art poster. 

If you ever wanted to do word art here is the link Hope you liked it

Friday, January 3, 2020

Activity 2: iMoko

Hey readers this is another S.L.J post that I have completed, So today for the post we had to think about our own health and well-being (hauora). What do you, or those in your family, do to stay healthy? And then write down 5 things  that we do to stay healthy and strong. I used google slides because I think it's a fun app anyways  here is my finished work.


Activity 1: Medical Mavericks

Good morning readers, today I have done another summer.learning.journey activity this one is called Medical Mavericks. what we had to do was tell you's who we would give a Nobel prize to and why.  

I would give a Nobel prize to Laura Langman.

I would give it to laura because she is the silver fern coach and she has coached them very extraordinary! she has held them together and make them work as a team together they have won the world cup 5 times with her. 1967,1979,1987,2003 and 2019.

Laura is very extraordinary and a very great coach so thats why I would give her a Nobel prize.

Laura is 33 years old and is still there coach.

BYE readers

Activity 3: Need for Speed

Today we had to design our own fast vehicle and it could be anything so we could draw it on a piece of paper or on a app to help us. And then post  a picture of our speedy vehicle along with a description of how it works. Then tell you readers what my vehicle is made of, any special features, how fast it goes, and who might use my created vehicle. Sorry it might not be great.

My vehicle that I created  is called The underwater flying car.

My veichle is made out of

  • Metal 
  • old car Pieces 
  • glass for windows
  • bolts
  • chains
  • waterproof oil 
  • wings 
And other stuff like that.   

Any special features?
It can drive under water 
It can also fly up in the air.

How fast does it go?
On the ground it goes 306 km per hour.
In the air it goes 290 km per minute.
Underwater it goes 400 km per hour.

Who would use it?
Number 1. Me (Mikayla) of course so I can test it.
Number 2. My Dad or Mum and then they can use it for work or something.
Number 3. Anyone I would sell it to for 4 million dollars if its the best car in the world and everyone wants it.

what is you'r favorite car?
 Feel free to comment.

Bye readers and blogers.

Thursday, January 2, 2020

Activity 2: Printing Prosthetics

Hi guys today I have completed another S.L.J activity this one is called Printing Prosthetics. So what we had to do was tell you readers One thing that you learned from watching the video and
One thing that surprised you when watching the video.
So here is the link to the video I watched.

1. The thing that I learned from watching the video was that 3D printing technology is already changing how we produce objects from tools or toys or clothes and even body parts like arms or noses. And that 3D printing is part of a proses known as ADDITIVE MANUFACTURING.

2. The thing that surprised me when watching the video was that the 3D printer made 10 houses in 1 day. Like wow I would like one for my bday please. Just kidding not. Because it can just make the things that you want for free and I won't need to do any work.  

If you think I copied of anything I didn't okay so you can believe me i'm not a lier anyways bye readers. Please believe me if you dont just because ADDITIVE MANUFACTURING in there it means like real or something okay now bye.

Activity 1: Nanogirl

I watched a video about tiny houses and then tell you's whether, or not, you would like to live in a tiny house one day. Why/why not?
I havent even watched the video yet but I think I wouldnt really want to live in a tiny house. So lets watch the video.

So I watched the video and I still think I wouldn't want to live in a tiny house because you wouldn't be able to put your stuff in lots of places. And there wouldnt be enough room for people in the lounge especially  if you have like 5,6 or 7 people in your house. 

Would you want to live in a tiny house?
How much people are in your house?

I have 2 houses my mums and my dads. 

In my dads house I have 5 people Me,Dad,Mandii,My brother Tyson And my sister Georgia.❤💜💙💛💚

And in my mums house I have 5 people to. Me again, Tyson again, Mum,Tim and Grammy.❤💜💙💛💚


Activity 3: Hidden Figures

Today I did another S.L.J activity so what we had to do was check out a website called and have a go at the activities and screenshot of my completed shape. And underneath the shape tell you's what I thought of the coding app. Is it good? Why/why not?

I think is good because it is fun and challenging. I think it's challenging because you have to use your brain to think how much degrees does it go or which way does it go. I created a flower it took like 20 minutes to do this because you had to think very wisely. And so here is my coded flower. You could make a square or diamond.

Activity 2: Overcoming Adversity

Hi blogers and readers,welcome back to my blog today im doing another S.L.J activity this one is called Overcoming Adversity. Anyways what we had to do was recount a time when I (Mikayla), or someone you know, experienced a challenge and overcame it. 

So this boy at my old school (st.Bernadette) was born and living in  the philippines he moved to new zealand because he had to live with his dad and change schools. His mum had passed away 2 years ago. Anyways he didnt understand English so he had to learn. After learning he now speaks English really good. Great job josh.



Activity 3: Apple vs Microsoft

Hello guys today I have done another S.L.J activity it is called Apple vs Microsoft. So what we did was find two more examples of rivalries and they could be in sport or other areas. So we had to describe the two rivalries that we have found. Who is the rivalry between? I picked All Blacks and the wallabies because they are both rugby teams. So here is my work. 

All blacks.
 Ian Foster is the head coach for the team NZ All blacks. Ian has now played 28 games for the chiefs. He has done an outstanding job at holding the team together and winning games. And is continuing to be there coach for 2020!!.

Dave Rennie is the head coach for the team Austrailan Wallabies. Dave is a former New Zealand / Cook Islands rugby union player and now coach. But Dave will be takeing over the Australia national rugby union team at the end of the 2019-20 season.     

                        Who is your favourite rugby team?
I play rugby for prebleton (tackle) so bring it on.😄


Activity 1: Through Careful Observation

Today im doing a S.L.J activity what we had to do was select one of the pictures below and observe (look at) it closely.

And then describe the painting in detail. But give lots and lots of detail!!

I picked the one on the right this painting was painted by Vincent van Gogh called the starry night. so here is my described detail.

I think it looks light it's winter and it's night time and all of the people are asleep and a ginormous black tree is growing in the spooky forest. Also it looks like there is waves up in the blue sky also white snowy mountains. There is lots of bright yellow coloured stars. Furthermore it looks like its nearly day time because peoples lights are turning on.

BYE guys

Activity 2: Influencers

Hello readers and blogers,today I have done another S.L.J activity this one is called influencers. So what we had to do was Imagine that we had the chance to create our own YouTube channel. What would it be about? What kinds of videos would you create and post? then write a description of the YouTube channel I would like to create. So here is my description.

Image result for youtube