
Friday, May 29, 2020


Hello guys today at assembly we got some prizes it was really fun because it was cool to see the teachers certificates they made I got a red wrist band because I liked the colour red and it says AKO that means Learning I picked this because that's how I earned it by getting over 50 thank you tickets because I was learning great and I earned heaps also over lock down we earn tickets for showing up to our hangouts everyday at the right time. You can earn 3 wrist bands The colours are red,blue or white they all say something different. My goal is to get all of them. Here are some pictures.



Monday, May 25, 2020

Treasure map

"Ahoy matte" today for reading we made a treasure map and designed it  was  really fun we read a book about pirates and how they talk and stuff so it was really cool we also named the places on the map. It was really cool to see other peoples treasure maps.  you could try this out in your spare time? Here is a picture.

Wednesday, May 13, 2020


Aloha guys,
Today for reading we did a compare and contrast sheet not that much of a blog post today guys cause we have finished the harry potter book so here is my one I picked Harry potter to compare contrast me here is my sheet.

Sore (writing)

Today for writing we write about a video clip which was about when this girl crashed her plane then along came a min iture boy called Hayden which crashed his plane to so here is the video clip if you want to write about it to.


And here is my writing

“Shshshshsh wooop” as the plane came crashing down with cold air, Lucy saw that her plane had broken down. She was upset until a miniature boy fell off his plane because he had to grab his little black stripy bag.

One sunny but windy day there was a girl about 10 or 11 she was trying to get her plane to soar in the air but it kept breaking. Then along came a boy who had crashed his plane. His name was Hayden. She was like “hello”, the boy was a bit scared.

The problem was that Lucy couldn't get her aeroplane because it was too far away but Hayden's plane was just broken and she felt bad for him. So even though hers was really far away she ran over there and grabbed it and  ran back.

The girl helped the miniature boy to fix his flying machine by using parts of her plane.  

He got to rejoin his community to fly to space and he put a beautiful star into the sky.

Tuesday, May 12, 2020


Today well yesterday we did this padlet of what our favourite part was about harry potter it was fun to see everybodys ideas but you know I took a picture of the padlet so you can see mine here it is.

(We finished the book sad face but yay kinda!!!!!!!!!!)

heres everybody elses 

And here is mine

Hogwarts name

Hello today was a pretty weird activity because we found out what my hogwarts name is I dont even know what it says properly but you might so here it is its pretty funny to I think it sounds kinda evil. It was fun we finished the last chapter of harry potter.

It sounds like a BOYS!!!!!! name.


Yesterday in reading we did a wordfind I know its not much but it was a short one today here it is. this is what time I took.

I took 1 minute and 37 seconds

24 hour time

Today for maths we looked at 24 hour telling time it was really confusing and hard but I did it. Have you done something like this before?

Hogwarts pass port

Yesterday we did a Hogwarts passport which was really fun because we got to see which house we were in. I was in............... Hufflepuff yay that means patient,fair,hard working and nice and all that kinda stuff. what house would you want to be in? heres a picture. you can do all types of stuff on it like see which wand is yours,or see which quidditch team your in and you know that stuff with Hogwarts.

Monday, May 11, 2020

Stick the landing (Minute to win it)

Today I did a minute to win it challenge it was hard but really fun what I had to do was get a water bottle and try flip it and land it but you could only have 10 trys. here is a video of me doing it. Maybe you could try do one. Here s a fact fill it up about half way.
Please have a look and maybe a comment

Friday, May 8, 2020

Chapter-15 The forbidden forest

Today we read another chapter here it is it was interesting this one because we maybe found out that voldermort is alive. What is your favourite chapter?

Thursday, May 7, 2020

Chapter 14- Norbert the Norwegian Ridgeback

Today in reading we read another chapter, Chapter (14) it was about when harry got a dragon and they nearly got caught and they left the in viability cloak behind. We then did some slides and this is what mine looked like nI couldnt blog it yesterday because the internet was bad. But I did today so here they are.

Lighthouse writing

Today we did some lighthouse writing I finished so now I can share it with you guys. What was fun was writing about a video clip I will put the link down here. What your favourite subject at school? Here is my writing and the video clip is down here.

Video link:
Drip,drop. The old wrinkled lighthouse keeper could hear the rain against the foggy windows as he filled in his journal. Once at about 10pm there was a big “bang” and the light blew out and he dropped some glass. Drip,drop. The old wrinkled lighthouse keeper could hear the rain against the foggy windows as he filled in his journal. Once at about 10pm there was a big “bang” and the light blew out and he dropped some glass. The lighthouse keeper is about in his 30s to 40s he is a lonely old man. A while later a ship was coming towards the lighthouse and the light went out. “OMG” the man was freaking out. He didn't know what to do. Luckily all the town people came into the tower and used their lamps to guide the ship. They saved the day.


Wednesday, May 6, 2020


Today we did math by reading calender's it was a little bit confusing but I got there in the end.
Whats your favourite month? Have you done something like this before here is my slides.

Tuesday, May 5, 2020

Chapter 13- Nicholas Flamel

Today for reading we read another chapter it was quite short though. So then we did another slide and here it is.
Do you like harry potter?

Monday, May 4, 2020

Chapter 12- The Mirror of Erised

Today we did another sheet/quiz and this one was similar to the one ive done just that we had different questions and a longer chapter here is my slides.


Friday, May 1, 2020

Chapter - 11 Quidditch

Hi guys,
today for reading we read another chapter called Quidditch and it was about when  Gryfinndor won the quidditch game vs slitherine.

Catch it (writing)

Hi readers,
Today for writing we did a hangout which was themed funny joke day so   it was a really funny hangout session I can tell you 2 jokes that  I did.

1. why should we tell actors to break a leg?
because everyday has a cast on it. haha

2.Today at the bank an old lady told me to check her balance.?
So I pushed her over.

Anyways we also finished our catch it writing it was fun because we also watched the video. Here is the link for the video if you want to write about it. so there that is and here is my writing

As the sun rose up in a hot desert the family of brown and white meerkats walked outside followed by many others. They saw something strange dangling from a brown branch,it was a pink juicy fruit!! So they hoped out of there little cave under ground and went over.

Once a naughty vulture came and stole the dragon fruit.The meerkats got angry and started chasing him all round the place that they even made a long line holding on to each other's feet. 

A little later the meerkats were still holding onto the vultures feet and were determined to get that fruit!. But then the vulture crashed into the side of a cliff and the fruit rolled out of its feet. And then the meerkats threw it to each other but at the end the fruit splattered on the ground.

And no one got the fruit in the end.  

here are some pictures