
Monday, March 30, 2020

Making homemade pizzas

Tonight for dinner me and Tyson made our own pizzas for dinner. They were so good.
I made pepperoni and cheese pizza and a ham,cheese and pineapple one Tyson made one that had a swirl of BBQ sauce and mayo sauce chicken,pepperoni,ham and cheese. We had a competition it was were mum had to see whos pizza was better. What is your favourite pizza? dont forget to comment. Heres some pictures. 


3 things I am grateful for......

In home learning today my task was to list 3 things I am grateful for and another family member to I picked to do my mum.

                  1. My family that loves me 
                  2. The opportunities that the world provides like playing sports and stuff like that.
                  3. My life


                                  1. My kids
                                  2. A roof over my head
                                 3. My life

Daily challenge day 1

Today I did a daily challenge and it was about when you had to answer some questions and then post it on our blog some of the questions I already knew but anyway here is my daily challenge. but im going to be posting a daily challenge everyday of the week this week so yeah.


Baking vanilla cupcakes

Yesterday I baked some vanilla cupcakes at my dads house. They were so delicous. It was a little bit hard but we got there in the end.
Have you done baking before or whats your favourite thjing to bake? Heres some pictures.

Thursday, March 26, 2020

Aeroplane competition

This afternoon Me and Georgia had a Aeroplane compition what we had to do was mark a line outside there was 4 rounds 1 line 3 points 2 line 8 points 3 line  20 points 4 line 100 points!!!! It was also tricky because of the wind but fun to. Have you ever done something like this before? Heres some pictures

Sock puppet

Today I made a sock puppet it turned out pretty crazy and weird but I think it looks funny. What I used was  googly eyes,pompoms,glue,pipe cleaners and of course a sock. Here is mine. 

And have you made one before?
Do you like it?



Today Me and my sister Georgia painted this massive rainbow on a big hard cardboard square for home learning art!!! It took a long time to do the rainbow because it was so big and had lots of colors and work to do. Do you like art? Whats your favourite type of art colouring,pastel,painting?

Heres a picture of us standing in front of it and a picture on its own.😃😁😄  

P.s Thats Georgias cats and dogs and other pets at the top haha.

Hit the button

Good morning everyone today I played hit the button for maths if like we were at school. Hit the button is were you answer maths questions you can pick halves times divison and doubles . There is a red and green light if you get it right it goes green if you get the question wrong  the button goes red and it times you. Have fun try it out.

Here is the link

Wednesday, March 25, 2020

Have a happy day rock painting/ Home work/home learning

Today for home learning I have painted a rock and put it into someones letter box. It was fun because I have different colour paint and so I can make it look cool. Have you ever done something like this before? Here is a picture

Helping around the house!!

Good afternoon/Good morning everyone today I helped mandii around the house by taking the recycling out and doing the dishes and cleaning the table. It was fun because I like helping people and stuff. Me Georgia and Tyson has a chore board which puts the points up of which jobs we did and get some money at the end of the week. Do you do anything around the house to help? Whats your favourite chore to do? Comment 😃

Tuesday, March 24, 2020

Home learning writing story scrambler

Today I have done some story scrambler writing. Story scrambler is when they pick what you write about it is really fun. So they told me to write about a police officer that ride a comet.

Here is my writing.

Friday, March 20, 2020

Mr Indifferent

Today in Miss Jones writing group we have wrote a story about Mr Indifferent he is a man who lives in the city and always has his hands in his pockets here is mine.

Thursday, March 19, 2020

Swimming 2020

This term we have been going swimming in our school pool. We have been learning how to be confident in the water, and diving and floating on our backs. Also treading water. It was really fun we went almost everyday and sometimes it would be cold but the pool would be warm. What was hard for treading water was doing it for 3 minutes because your legs would get tired. My favourite thing to do in the water was diving and pushing of the walls in the pool and then role onto our backs. Do you have a school pool? Here are some photos.


Tuesday, March 17, 2020

The Fanfurly for the shield

Today the Canterbury coaches came to south hornby school and teached us some rugby skills and showed us some of there ginormous cool trophies. I really liked playing the game where you had a rugby ball and you had to throw it under your legs and then throw it to the  other person. What was hard was trying to catch it when it bounced on the ground. When we went out to see the trophies my face lit up because the shield was so cool and big. Here are some photos. It was really fun. And also have you played rugby before?

Monday, March 16, 2020

Goldilocks writing

Four the past couple of weeks we have been doing a short recount of goldilocks and the three bears what was challenging was trying not to make it into a story what was easy was describing her and what she liked to do. Here is my writing hope you like it. oh and have you ever made a piece of writing of goldilocks?

In the middle of the spooky woods is a old little cottage where goldilocks lives with her dear mother.

Goldilocks has blonde beautiful cascading curls that shimmer with her blue navy eyes. Goldilocks has a blue dress with a white apron and looks about ten years old.

Goldilocks is naughty and is disrespectful. Her dear mother usually thinks of her as a helpful person but little does she know what she has done. 

When she is in the forest she likes to pat the bunnies, watch the butterflies and pick different coloured flowers.

She went into someones house, broke someones chair, ate porridge and slept in someone's bed that is very naughty.

Goldilocks is very guilty for not listening to her mum by going to far in the woods.

Friday, March 13, 2020

🕸Story Web🕸

🕸Last week in miss mcleods  R.L stine reading group which is Me Treyvon,Eligh,Ella-Peral,Kristel and Kate. We did a spiders web a spiders web is when you read a book and then say what the problem was and the action and like the out come. Here is mine.


Have you done something like this before?

Wednesday, March 11, 2020

Building Our self-esteem

Last week in punui-o-toka we did a activity to help build our self-esteem. Self-esteem is what you feel about your self. You can have a positive self-esteem or a low self-esteem. But we are all trying to have a good self-esteem. For the activity we had to pick 5 or more words on a sheet then we had to colour them and then paste them around a picture of ourself. These words describe what I am as a person. Here is my finished work.

The words I picked were











Have you got a positive self-esteem?


Friday, March 6, 2020

six sentence story

Today in Miss Jones writing class we have been doing some six sentence storys a six sentence story is when you do six sentences but of a story. I did mine of a furious dragon here take a look.

Thanks for reading bye

Tuesday, March 3, 2020

Maths time!!!

Today in maths we did a fun work sheet called this weeks number what we had to do was see if it was even or odd and round the number and other things on it my favourite part was rounding the number and + - x and dividabi. And my least favourite was how many 1000s in the number.

Heres a picture of the work sheet

Catch ya later