
Friday, May 31, 2019

writing exsap

sorry the picture is plure

‘’Splash swish’’ the crocodile divided up from under the green
gooey water. As the man turned around he noticed the crocodile
had his mouth open tight waiting for food. The man was
frightened as he watched the gigantic crocodile ‘’SNAP SLAM’’
 his mouth shut.
The man could hear the boat swaying across the water. The
crocodile could hear the engine so the tremends crocodile bit it
then snapped it. The man was like ‘’oh no’’ what was that noise
he looked behind his shoulder damn it ‘’how am I going to get
home’’ he said to himself. He saw the man putting his giant foot
on the end of the boat the crocodile was getting hangry. He felt
calm he wasn't worried at all. Although he thought how was he
going to get home he said to himself maybe I can swim home
but then he realised that the slimy crocodile might eat him.
Then he thought off another way but he said nah. After awhile
he said it's getting late i'm going to try build the engine he
looked up on his iphone how do you fix a engine in a boat then
google told him so he  
went to work two hours later. Superb guess what he fixed it
yes I focused and I got it done bye lonely crocodile he said with
a smile and he dashed off in his silver boat.

Tuesday, May 28, 2019

siapo cloth

This week we have been doing some Samoan activities because it is Samoan language week this is my second activity. what is your answers?
6 because you can just see six some people think eight but i think six.

12+12=24 24 +30 so your answer is 30
18 because 6 + 6 + 6 =18 so your answer must be 18 Tell me what you think it is in the comments because i might be wrong and tell me another way you figured it out . 

Monday, May 27, 2019

samoan language week

In maths this week we have been doing some samoan activetes because it is samoan language week here is one of the activetys we did today 

4 coconuts which is 1 third of twelve x $2 = $8  what do you think the answer is and how did you work it out 
by mikayla

Friday, May 24, 2019

A moment in time

This week in writing we have been learning to describe a moment in time to do that you had to start your sentence with a hook ,use detail in our sentences,use present tense,use descriptive langue and only write about the picture. can you give me some feed back?

‘’Crash’’ the rider landed roughly on the ground. He held on to his handles tightly as screws holding a pantry together.  His bike dashed over the dirt. His bike bolted over the crest of the hill. He smells the rusty dirt as The dust whooshed passed his face. He was starting to panic as he zoomed pass a motorbike.  The boy heard the trees whistling.They can hear people cheering on for them. He is wondering if he is going to win the race. He could see people in front of him oh no he said! he might be thinking  I have to catch up and he did. He was starting to get exhausted he was getting out of breath that his heart was pounding so hard that he nearly fell off his bike.

Friday, May 17, 2019

A moment in time

There was nothing in the  silent dark,clear, blue ocean although it was empty except for one lonely diver and a gigantic shark.
The miniature man was facing  upwards as he watched the tremendous shark swim above him. A little tiny diver might smell strong sea salt water.  The diver slowly gilded under the scaly long lasting shark. The sea looks really calm, the sand looks like the surface of the moon. The diver might be a scientist because he is interested in looking at the large stripes on the  shark.The shark might scene that there is something under him.The diver will taste a little bit of the water from under his swim suit. The tiger shark might be thinking what is that teeny thing under me doing?,and the diver might be thinking will the stripy shark attack me? The diver might feel the soft sand beside him. And the shark might feel the water splashing on him. I wonder what will happen next?. Can you give me some feedback

Tuesday, May 14, 2019

All about me

In cybersmart we have been doing all about me so we had to create a slide and write in All about me,Mikayla.I will show you some pictures off mine.
and thats what we had to do maybe you can try it out to?

Friday, May 10, 2019

A moment in time

This week we have Described a moment in time. We had to Describe a picture of a orangutan we had to use wow words,punctuation,Adjectives and conjunctions to make it exciting. Can you give me some feedback.

The lonely orangutan held the leaf with all his might to protect him and stay dry . It was pouring down like you have never seen before. He was frightened as he heard the rain drops rebound off the leaf. He could see the flash of lightning as it struck as quick as a cheater. He was shivering so hard that he froze for a minute.The ground was really muddy. although the leaf protected most of his body,he was still getting a little bit wet from the water hitting his hand and dribbling down his arm. since the log was getting soaked he got a wet bottom and it  made him shiver.

Thursday, May 9, 2019

Guess 7 cards

Fifteen cards

In maths we were given this problem to solve we used the numbers 1-15  we used our adding. First we tried to figure out the first two numbers,by using our knowledge of numbers that add to 15.Then we picked as basic facts and followed the rest of the clues.I will give you a hint there is more than 1 answer.

Friday, May 3, 2019

the thousands game

The thousands game

Yesterday in maths we played the thousands game.First we picked four cards
The cards that we picked could be 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9 but not 10. Next we had to find a buddy.With the four cards we had to make smallest to biggest and then biggest
to smallest my cards were 4326 so my smallest number was 2346 my biggest number was 6432  it is a really fun game to play my favourite subject is maths by Mikayla

Thursday, May 2, 2019


We  have been learning how greek words make English words in phonics time.So far we have been doing chron,astro and bio.
Did you know that Chron means time. Astro means stars and out of space. Bio means
Life I picked Bio. Biohazard means a chemical substance or situation that is dangerous to human  beings and the environment.Biodegradable means capable of being slowly destroyed and broken down into very small parts by natural processes.Antibiotic means a drug that is used to kill harmful bacteria and to cure infections.Biography means the story of a real person's life written by another person.Biology means a science that deals with things that  are alive such as plants and animals