
Thursday, November 18, 2021

Mickys Wedge surpreme deluxe!

 Hey readers, For the past couple of weeks in writing we have been doing instruct writing. I found instruct writing really fun and kinda tricky but then easy. Miss Mcleod (Best Writing Teacher) gave us the task to create our own burger and name and then instruct you guys how to make it. Have you done instruct writing before? Here Is my advertisement!

And if you scroll down even more you can have a look on how to make it

Friday, November 5, 2021

Peanut butter and jelly sandwich

 Hi readers, today in writing we made peanut butter and jelly sandwichs. We have been making instruction of how to make the sandwichs so Miss Mcleod picked a couple of people to share the instructions and she followed them. Here they are!

Monday, November 1, 2021

Spectacular Sunda Tigers!

Kia ora Readers, Last week we got the option to pick out of a variety of endangered animals. I picked the Sunda Tigers they were very interesting to learn and write about. Then researched about the animal and made a plan. We then started writing an information report about it. Have you learnt about Sunda Tigers before? I have finished my report so I am going to share it with you guys. Here is my piece of writing enjoy! But first I will show you a picture of them.

Now here is my writing

Spectacular Sunda Tigers 


Have you ever heard of the sunda tigers? They are critically endangered and there are less than 400 left. In indonesia anyone caught hunting tigers could face jail time the scientific name for the sunda tigers is Panthera Tigris Sondaica. The sunda tigers weigh about 165-308 pounds wow!

Often killed

Sunda tigers are killed deliberately for commercial grain. According to TRAFFIC global wildlife trade is responsible for almost 80% of estimated sunda tiger deaths. Poachers are killing tigers for tiger products such as tiger skin for mats,rugs and even clothes. People say ‘’Stop the demand, stop the poaching’’ which I agree with. 


Pedestrians are destroying sunda tiger habitats. People may not notice what they are doing to put the sunda tiger’s endangered things like cutting down forest accelerates climate change pushing the brink of extinction. Today all remaining sunda tigers remain living in sumatra found in tropical broadleaf evergreen forests, freshwater swamp forests and peat swamps. 

Sunda Tigers uniqueness

Sunda tigers have been around for 2 million years! Fossils of sunda tiger remains have been found in china This shows sunda tigers could be over 2 million years old. The tigers have a very strong bite they can bite down with a force of 1000 pounds! They have five different types of whiskers: these whiskers pick up different types of vibrations that help them survive in the jungle. 


As you can see they are critically endangered and very unsafe. There's many things about them which makes them unique. Without sunda tigers it will cause lots of problems, we need to stop destroying their habitats and realise they are being often killed. The amount of sunda tigers is going down very fast so save them!

Wednesday, September 22, 2021


 Hi guys today a girl called Emma did a video with me and we did another maori video. We messed up quite alot sorry. But yeah here is the video.

Have you done this before? 

Thursday, September 9, 2021

Asking questions in Maori!

 Hey guys just before lockdown me and my friend Emma wrote a script of questions and answers in Maori. Now today we got to film it on screencastify! Its not the best but we tried don't mind the ending. 

Have you done this before? Hope you enjoy!

Friday, August 13, 2021

TMTA Compare and Contrast Diagram

 Hey readers, Today for cyber smart we had to do a digital activity. So what we had to do was pick a person from PT England school which is in Auckland and research and study about them. Next we had to compare and find the differences. Here it is. But first here is her blog Jennifers blog. Have you done this before?


Friday, August 6, 2021


A few days ago, we did a Māori activity and what we had to do in it was Label the objects in this classroom using the following sentence ‘he ___ tēnei’ Here is my work. Have you done this before? My favourite part was probably adding the colours in.

Digital task for Olympics

 Hey readers, For the past 2 weeks we have been reading,researching and creating things about Olympics. I have loved learning about Olympics because I love sports and I find it very entertaining. Also I haven't learnt about it before its also cool how we get to learn about the Paralympics and how they role. I did 5 digital activities and 8 worksheets. Here are my digital activities.


Now the worksheets

Bye, People

Tuesday, July 6, 2021

Pixel art

 Hello people, Today in maths we did a pixel art. It was very easy and I completed it under 6 minutes. It turned out to be a purple volcano. Here it is.

Matariki Diamante Poem

 Hi guys, Today in writing we made a Matariki diamante poem. It was very easy and I finished it. A diamante poem is a poem that had nouns,adjectives and verbs in order. Have you done a diamante poem before? Here is my diamante poem have a go if you havent done it before.

Monday, July 5, 2021

Planet D.L.O

 Hello guys over the term we have been learning about planet earth and beyond. We have learnt about all the planets in our solar system there are 8 planets! We also learnt about the stars,different type of moons and dwarf planets. So over the past couple of weeks we have been making a d.l.o about each planet here is my D.L.O about planets.

Tuesday, June 29, 2021

Pixel art

 Hey guys in maths today we did another pixel art. I already have done 2 pixel arts and this is my third. This one was multiplication it was very easy. I finished it under 5 minutes it turned into a trophie. Have you done these before? here is my pixel art.

Monday, June 21, 2021

Pixel art

 Hello today in Miss Mcleod maths we did a pixel activity. If you had looked at my blog you would of seen I have done one. It was very easy here it is.

Thursday, June 17, 2021

Maths brain teaser

 Hi I did a maths brain teaser it was super duper easy. It wasn't challenging at all. Do you do brain teasers at your school?

Here is my brain teaser it explains how I worked it out.

Wednesday, June 16, 2021

Digital pixel art

 Today in math we did a digital pixel art activity it was medium kinda challenging kinda easy to. There were a lot of questions. There were questions like 

so yeah after we answered the questions it created a pixel image here it is.

bye hope u liked it give it a try!

Tuesday, June 15, 2021

Phases of the moon

 Hi so a couple of weeks ago we learnt about the moon different phases and waxing,waning and something else which I forgot oh no I remember it is the full moon. Here it is


Wednesday, June 9, 2021

D.L.O stars

 Hello, yesterday we started a d.l.o about stars on mine I added lots of interesting facts but thats about it so here it is I hope you learn something new did you?

Monday, May 31, 2021

Facts about the sun

 Today for inquiry we learnt about the sun. Then we did a create task on google drawing about the sun here it is. 

Friday, May 14, 2021

Gallipolli ww1 diary writing

 Hi there, in my writing class this week and last week we were learning about WW1 in Gallipolli, First we researched and wrote notes then we began a diary writing we had to start with the date then say dear diary and at the end, end it with yours sincerly. 

Here it is:


Dear diary, unfortunately the landing didn't go according to plan the main force landed on too narrow a front and became intermixed. Making it difficult for the troops to regroup. It is dreadful watching 130,000 men die. I am here writing in a corner in my diary feeling like I wanna go home already. It's just so sad watching my friends get wounded and possibly killed. 

Yours sincerely, Henry


Dear diary, We made it here safe and sound using horses and boats. The horses were very useful for carrying troops and officers. Nearly all horses came with us over to gallipoli and already about 3% of them died either from a sort of disease or injury once they arrived at gallipoli. Which is very sad and we must remember them. 

Yours truly, Henry


Dear diary, I haven't written in several days as we’ve been really active lately since the war has started. Here I am hiding in a trench thankfully finding a spot to write for a few minutes. It has been a very long day and I feel drained. Lots of lives have been lost today, shrapnel is firing everywhere, bullets are coming down like rain. The intense fighting is still continuing every day and late at night, it's starting to get hot now that  we are coming into spring. That's all for now gotta get back out there.

Yours, Henry


Dear diary, today was mail day as in we received our packages we got sent from our family. Lately we have been having a poor diet and we are starving so we are so grateful our family sent us food in our package. It included spam, anzac biscuits, jam and bully beef. It may not sound too good but it was better than what we were getting. I even broke my top front tooth from eating a really hard biscuit.


Dear diary, I haven't written in a long time. I'm sorry but we have been on the move. The lack of sleep is shocking. We are all very exhausted but we keep going. The rotting flesh of deceased bodies is atrocious so many soldiers of our troop have been in hospital or killed. I'm lucky I'm still alive writing this. There is blood and smoke everywhere. Communication between the Turks and Brits is terrible.

Yours, Henry


Dear diary, It was a very bad day today. I just woke up in the hospital having shrapnel in my right shoulder. My nurse Margaret said I would get out in a couple of days but first my arm needed to be amputated. I was writing in my diary when suddenly I fell to the ground and woke up in a hospital.I was in a corner when the turks were throwing smoke bombs and shooting shrapnel bullets. I asked my nurse if she could carry on writing in my diary while I tell her what to write. She said of course and I started telling her what to write. 

Yours sincerely, Henry


Dear diary, Today is the day I go to keep fighting for my country. I finally got out of the hospital. I say thank you to my nurse Margaret for keeping me alive and all safe. She said your welcome and told me I was very brave and was doing a great job fighting for my country. I said see you again Margaret. It was frightening seeing no arm and shoulder. I couldn't bear thinking about having another shoulder amputated. 


Dear diary, it's Henry's nurse Margret writing. I'm sorry for your loss.  Henry is DEAD. 

Your sincerely, Margret

Thursday, April 15, 2021

Song writing

 Hey everyone for the past couple of weeks we have been doing song writing. I came up with a song about South Hornby School. Sadly I couldn't come up with a melody. It was a bit hard at first but then I got the hang of it. Here is my song.

Te Manu TukuTuku

 At south hornby school the teachers are super cool. 

We stand here tall and proud on Amyes rd

 to learn and grow. 

We have people powers like no other schools, 

“South hornby yeah”

“South hornby yeah”

“I like South hornby.. 

 Every single person in our school is amazingly cool 

“South hornby yeah”

“South hornby yeah”

Pūnui-o- toka is the best 

we are the kaitiaki of the rest!! “Wooah” 

We have our classrooms from naught to six

We all like to show our tricks “Our triicks”

We have a special rock because we are the coolest on the block

“South hornby yeah”

“South hornby yeah”

“I like South hornby.. 

 Every single person in our school is amazingly cool 

“South hornby yeah”

“South hornby yeah”

Sometimes we can be crazy but

South hornby school is your number 1 “woah”

Wednesday, March 24, 2021

Brain teaser

 Hi guys im in miss Mcleods math group and we do something that is called a brain teaser which is a maths task that is challenging. So on Monday we did a brain teaser it was a little bit challenging but kinda easy what we had to do was fill the coded hundreds board and make it all fit into the square to make a puzzle.

But with the pieces you could not rotate them except for one piece. Here is my coded hundreds board.

Friday, March 12, 2021


 Today in math we did statistics on a google sheet. It was quite easy part from when I kept forgetting to do the axis titles. I made a pie graph and a collom graph. We got all this data from yesterdays survey I went around asking people what is there favorite takeaway they then put there hand up for whatever one they wanted.


That is the tally

That is the bar graph with all the data

And those are the finish pie chart and bar chart!!


Friday, February 26, 2021

Tuesday, February 16, 2021

Te -reo - maori

Today we created a mihi

It was pretty easy because a app did it for us except we wrote the words. We learned to say the Maori words.

anyways here is my mihi

Zones of regulation

 Today for inquiry we did the zones of regulation which is 4 different zones which stand for different things and have different emotions in them.

There is the Blue zone, Green zone, Yellow zone and Red zone

So we made some slides and I am going to show you.

You will probably understand if you look at the slides.