
Wednesday, June 26, 2019

te reo maori

For the pass few weeks we have been retelling some Maori story's it has been fun and really hard so it isn't that good. here is mine please comment
please give me some feedback

Thursday, June 20, 2019

The longest scarf in the world

In writing we have been writing. Storys we had to include detail lots and lots of detail,Adjectives,punctuation This story is called the longest scarf in the world retold by mikayla.

Maybe you can try please give me some feed back

Tuesday, June 18, 2019

cool altered photos found here

Last week in cybersmart we learnt how to alter private photos. we learnt to alter images with shapes and used google we also learnt how to alter photos so we can show you guys my favourite is on slide number 5
here is some cool altered photos here
what is your favourite?

Thursday, June 13, 2019

clothes fastenings

In reading this week we have read a book called how the children in room three keep there clothes on
that sounds wierd but its not because the book is about how they keep there clothes on like they could keep there pants on with elastic or laces or buttons, zips. So they made a bargraph and it looked like this
so we decided to make one here is mine elastic was the most
so elastic was the most and buttons and others were the least
maybe you can try it out

Thursday, June 6, 2019

leap frog

In writing this week we have been given a book to retell we could make it a story a or a moment in time this week we have written about a book called leap frog i choose to write about a moment in time. 

Wednesday, June 5, 2019

logic puzzels

                          In maths this week we have been doing some logic puzzels/brain teazers 

It can only be 7,8,9,10
I think the answer is 9 because
There is 5 blocks at the front and 4 at the back and because whats holding up the 5th block so there must be 2 blocks under it to make it that tall

so 5 +4 =9 so my answer is 9

crusaders game

On the second week of the holidays me, my brother Tyson, Dad, Georgia and my best friend Bailee went to the stadium to watch the best rugby teams in the world the Crusaders vs Lions. First we had some delicious dinner, we had nachos. Next we drove to the Crusaders game and met aunty Brandi, Cody and auntys boyfriend at gate A. Then we had to wait patiently to scan our tickets.Next we got a ginormous crusaders flag.Then we walked up lots of stairs my legs were getting tired. We tried to find our seats we sat down and a guy said if the ball comes out into the crowd and we catch it we get a bag of free delicious sausages. Finally the game started guess what the crusaders got the first try that was a win win for us. The whistle blew very loud because it was half time I was hungry and thirsty  so dad went and got a fanta for Me and Georgia,lmp for Bailee and coke for tyson and we also got scrumptious hot chips for all of us yummy. It was amazing because they got a heap of trys the post lit up bright red it nearly blinded me and fire bursted out of a cannon I waved my flag up high. Although the game finished. We waved our flag one more time before the whistle blew and can you guess what The crusaders won! Then it was time to go home my favourite part of the night was hagging out with my family and seeing the crusaders win it was really fun

Tuesday, June 4, 2019

logic puzzle

This week we have been starting to do some logic puzzels/brain teazer problems they are hard bnut i kept trying and cam up with a answer.

What do you think the answer is because i might be wrong?

coopers information

Today in cybersmart we learnt about sharing information. There are two types of information. personal and private. private information are things you should not share with anyone other than your family and friends. personal information are things you can share with everybody.  Here is coopers private and personal information remember not to share anything private so you can be safe byeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee