Hey everyone for the past couple of weeks we have been doing song writing. I came up with a song about South Hornby School. Sadly I couldn't come up with a melody. It was a bit hard at first but then I got the hang of it. Here is my song.
Te Manu TukuTuku
At south hornby school the teachers are super cool.
We stand here tall and proud on Amyes rd
to learn and grow.
We have people powers like no other schools,
“South hornby yeah”
“South hornby yeah”
“I like South hornby..
Every single person in our school is amazingly cool
“South hornby yeah”
“South hornby yeah”
Pūnui-o- toka is the best
we are the kaitiaki of the rest!! “Wooah”
We have our classrooms from naught to six
We all like to show our tricks “Our triicks”
We have a special rock because we are the coolest on the block
“South hornby yeah”
“South hornby yeah”
“I like South hornby..
Every single person in our school is amazingly cool
“South hornby yeah”
“South hornby yeah”
Sometimes we can be crazy but
South hornby school is your number 1 “woah”