
Tuesday, December 15, 2020

End of year reflection 2020

 This year its been an okay year cause of covid-19 but that couldn't stop us from learning so the teachers and staff decided to use google hangouts we used google hangout everyday until we went back to school google hangouts is online school so every morning we would go on it and do learning like a normal school day it kinda sucked though because I missed my friends and teachers.

After that the bike tracked opened and we started going swimming wow that was fun. We also went on camp went to ferry meed had top team.

This year maths was very challenging for me. This year I got my story published in a book and we got this penguin we could paint but only some people that got chosen and I was one of them so I painted the school flag on it and it looked amazing

Now Im here writing this blog post on the last day of school for this year December the 15 so overalll its been an okay year.

Top Team!!

 Last Friday our whole school played top team it was so fun and wet.

There were a lot of wet activities i got soaked there was a giant egg and spoon race there were a lot of activities you would have to use your initiatives and use team work.

What I noticed about my team was we used a lot of team work and encouraged each other with positive words like you got this and things.

And Toi

Thursday, December 10, 2020

Camp reflection

 Hi for the past 2 days punui-o-toka have been at living springs for school camp it was the best 2 days of my life!

My favorite part of camp was making smores and spending time with teachers and friends. The most challenging of camp was the big walks up and down.

At the beginning of camp I was so excited and I couldn't wait and at the end I was very sad we had to go and I was exhausted. 

On Monday we bused to a farm park and fed the animals,milked the cow and went on the tractor ride. We also walked up the hill from the farm to get to camp, went swimming in this enormous pool we went on the monorail, zipline and did mini golf, Burma trail and played spotlight and had chicken curry naan bread and rice for dinner.

On Tuesday we did animal ecosystems, archery and rifles surprisingly I was really good at it we did initiative, orienteering, campfire and did a camp auction miss McLeod was very funny she would say going once going twice SOLD! and had burgers and chips for dinner that was scrumptious. 

The last day of camp (Sad face) we did a lot of cleaning did animal survival,tricky tag and bus home cranking up the music with Tylers dad

Friday, December 4, 2020


Yesterday Me and Bailee worked on a D.L.O about the importance of water I thought I did a good job we made slides. We had to read the story and then make a D.L.O of what we learnt. Here it is!