
Monday, November 30, 2020

Digital citizenship

 For the past few weeks we have been learning about good behaviors and bad behaviors and offline and online boundaries. Today we made up some rules about these things. Our top five were Dont make up a rumor, Dont share information they told you not to share, respect privacy, Think about what your going to do lucky last stay away from unknown people online and offline. We do the right thing because its the right thing to do.

Here is my finished work!

Thursday, November 26, 2020

D.L.O Plastic pollution/the great garbage patch

 Hi today I made a D.L.O about Plastic pollution and the great garbage patch. It was fun to make and interesting cause I learnt some interesting facts here it is.

Wednesday, November 25, 2020


 Hello today I am blogging my work (MATH work) Yes yes I know guys maths work but its OK we got this. This math is slide turn flip math. It was very easy we got given a piece of A4 orange paper and some letters we started cutting them out and then we glued them down we could either do slide flip or turn. Here is how mine turned out.

Free writing

 Hi its me Mikayla Today I am blogging my free writing because I finished all my work I hope you enjoy my free writing.


Tuesday, November 24, 2020

Habitat Destruction

 Hi today I made a digital learning object we have been learning about endangered animals like deforestation and destruction this is why some animals are getting endangered. You should care about it because our world is getting ugly and ruined, animals are dying dont you realise how important our world is so you should care.

 Here it is!!


Thursday, November 19, 2020

Sea turtles D.L.O

 Yesterday and today I have been making a digital learning object about sea turtles because this week we have been learning about sea turtles. Here is my work 

Thursday, November 5, 2020


 Today in reading we made a D.L.O about tigers it was fun to learn new facts about tigers there were a lot of interesting facts here is mine.

Tuesday, November 3, 2020

Story web

 Today in reading we read a text called the day Mary shook the karaka tree. After that we made a story web. It was easy and I finished real fast. So now I am blogging it.