
Friday, November 29, 2019

Dogs or cats

For the pass 2 weeks miss Mcleod and miss Bannans writing groups have been learning about facts and opinions leading on to persuasive writing. We had to pick cats or dogs I picked dogs because I think they are really play full and helpful. here is my persuasive writing and plan.



Monday, November 25, 2019

standing order

Yesterday  we looked at a measuring problem called standing order so what we had to do was find out who was the smallest  and who was the tallest  chris is the tallest amy is medium and jayne is the smallest.

postcard vacation

Today in cybersmart we made a postcard of where we went pretend I went to thailand I love thailand because  its so beautiful and hot and nice beaches
heres my post card to angel-mey 

Wednesday, November 13, 2019

classroom objects in Maori

Today we made some slides of people making Maori conversations for classroom objects it was really fun.

Monday, November 4, 2019

festival of flowers

Today we did lots of fun  activity it was festival of flowers day I did this activity it is called sand saucer where you had to get a bucket of sand,trays,cups and of course flowers. There were all different types of flowers quite a few of people made one. All off the flower arrangements were so beautiful and filled with lots of colour. It was really fun i hope i can do it again you should try it out sometime if you haven't and you want to its good for a decoration.

These are what they turn out to be.

hope you enjoy