
Friday, September 27, 2019

Trip to marae

This  morning  whakarua and punui-o-toka went  on a school trip to a marae. First we had to go on the bus the seats in the bus were very cozy and warm awhile later we arrived at the marae the two people who worked there introduce themselfs and taught us some Maori words but I already new them she asked for a male volunteer to be our chief.  Then they slowly started to walk us in through the doors  two men where standing up across the fence looking scary then they opened the gate we had to say Maori ora twice then the gate opened  they did a haka  and one of the leaders for the haka gave the chief a leaf and did a funny dance.  It was funny because Maui was chasing his mum around the room and also hid her clothes so she couldn't find them. The room also changed colours it was really pretty like the room was red then changed to rainbow and stuff they also did performances to how maui found his mum and father. The girls were really cool but the man with the horns was very spooky and scary. It was fun going to the marae because The ladies taught us how to use a poi. Which was fun but very hard  are some pictures of the marae 

 hope you enjoyed bye


Wednesday, September 25, 2019

maths brain teaser

Today we did a brain teaser  it was fun  and it was not hard

Maori conversations

For the past 2 weeks we have been learning to make Maori conversations we had to make slides with  different  conversations this is my work.

Monday, September 23, 2019

Journey Animation

This is my animation it is finished. what do you think?

Wednesday, September 18, 2019

brain teaser about shells

Today we did a brain teaser about shells heres my working out comment what you think the answer is.


                                 sorry its the other way just turn the screen round please bye

Tuesday, September 17, 2019

brain teaser

Today we did a brain teaser about books from shortest to tallest so the is the brain teaser.
 this is what i think reading book goes first math book goes second spelling goes third and  science forth what do you think

Monday, September 2, 2019

Things i like

For the past view weeks we have been learning to use biteable it took a long time to get done but it was really fun. here is my work i have been doing.

my favourite things on Biteable.