
Thursday, November 18, 2021

Mickys Wedge surpreme deluxe!

 Hey readers, For the past couple of weeks in writing we have been doing instruct writing. I found instruct writing really fun and kinda tricky but then easy. Miss Mcleod (Best Writing Teacher) gave us the task to create our own burger and name and then instruct you guys how to make it. Have you done instruct writing before? Here Is my advertisement!

And if you scroll down even more you can have a look on how to make it

Friday, November 5, 2021

Peanut butter and jelly sandwich

 Hi readers, today in writing we made peanut butter and jelly sandwichs. We have been making instruction of how to make the sandwichs so Miss Mcleod picked a couple of people to share the instructions and she followed them. Here they are!

Monday, November 1, 2021

Spectacular Sunda Tigers!

Kia ora Readers, Last week we got the option to pick out of a variety of endangered animals. I picked the Sunda Tigers they were very interesting to learn and write about. Then researched about the animal and made a plan. We then started writing an information report about it. Have you learnt about Sunda Tigers before? I have finished my report so I am going to share it with you guys. Here is my piece of writing enjoy! But first I will show you a picture of them.

Now here is my writing

Spectacular Sunda Tigers 


Have you ever heard of the sunda tigers? They are critically endangered and there are less than 400 left. In indonesia anyone caught hunting tigers could face jail time the scientific name for the sunda tigers is Panthera Tigris Sondaica. The sunda tigers weigh about 165-308 pounds wow!

Often killed

Sunda tigers are killed deliberately for commercial grain. According to TRAFFIC global wildlife trade is responsible for almost 80% of estimated sunda tiger deaths. Poachers are killing tigers for tiger products such as tiger skin for mats,rugs and even clothes. People say ‘’Stop the demand, stop the poaching’’ which I agree with. 


Pedestrians are destroying sunda tiger habitats. People may not notice what they are doing to put the sunda tiger’s endangered things like cutting down forest accelerates climate change pushing the brink of extinction. Today all remaining sunda tigers remain living in sumatra found in tropical broadleaf evergreen forests, freshwater swamp forests and peat swamps. 

Sunda Tigers uniqueness

Sunda tigers have been around for 2 million years! Fossils of sunda tiger remains have been found in china This shows sunda tigers could be over 2 million years old. The tigers have a very strong bite they can bite down with a force of 1000 pounds! They have five different types of whiskers: these whiskers pick up different types of vibrations that help them survive in the jungle. 


As you can see they are critically endangered and very unsafe. There's many things about them which makes them unique. Without sunda tigers it will cause lots of problems, we need to stop destroying their habitats and realise they are being often killed. The amount of sunda tigers is going down very fast so save them!