
Friday, August 28, 2020


Hello, last week me and Kaycee made a video of us talking in Maori so we say in Maori¨Hello how are you? then the other person says how there feeling in Maori and they say to me hi how are you and so on and on her is the video. It was fun and really funny cause we kept messing up lol.

Cartoon me!!

 Hello guys, for the past few weeks we have been doing a cartoon me. Cartoon me is a fun and hard activity the fun thing was colouring it in with colour picker the hard thing was out lining our face. Have you done this before? what we had to do was take a picture of our selves out line it and use colour picker. Do you wish to do it?

Here is mine.


Here is the video if you wont to do it.

Thursday, August 27, 2020

To Persuasive (writing)

 Hello guys, over the past few days we have been doing some persuasive writing. I picked to do zoos should be banned and animals should live in the wild that is my argument. What was fun was researching facts and just making the argument. Something that was challenging was thinking of the three points. Have you ever done persuasive writing?


Monday, August 17, 2020

Vote for me!!

Today for reading we made some posters about why you should vote for me for student council ¨pretend¨ we read a short story of someone trying to get student council. So miss Mcleod thought we could do it. My topic was Fun Friday every week! here is my poster.



Monday, August 10, 2020

Victorian dolls To inform

For the past 2 weeks we have been working on Information reports I picked Victorian dolls A Information report is when you inform someone about a particular topic. We had to pick a toy from back in the day. So first we started of with doing our introduction then paragraph one (appearance) then paragraph 2 (who were they made for?) after paragraph 3 (Dolls now). And finally Our conclusion yay I finished!! So here have a look at mine.

We had to make sure we had:
Technical words
Rhetorical question
And facts about the topic